1.7 Expectations From Real Estate Agents

Q: What are the expectations from agents?

  • Knowledgeable: Agents should know the laws and details about property transactions.
  • Accurate Information: Agents should provide correct and accurate information about properties.
  • Protect Clients: Agents should carefully follow clients' instructions and protect their interests.
  • No Pressure: Agents should not pressure clients and should give them enough time and freedom to make decisions.
  • Right to Complain: Clients should be able to voice concerns, make complaints, and seek solutions if they receive poor service.

Increasing Professionalism

The Estate Agents Ordinance (EAO) and the creation of the Authority have improved the professionalism of estate agents by:

  • Requiring agents to pass an exam, have certain education, and be "fit and proper" to get a license.
  • Mandating agents to provide property information using specific forms and to use formal agreements.
  • Ensuring agents follow the EAO, a Code of Ethics, and other laws in their duties.
  • Subjecting agents to disciplinary action if they break the rules.
  • Encouraging agents to take part in ongoing professional development since 2005.

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